Alocasia macrorrhizos - Giant Elephant Ear, Giant Taro
Mature size: 1.5-3m tall outside.
- Recommended spacing: 1.5-2m apart
- Ideal growing conditions: Morning sun, shade - Full sun (can adapt).
- Growth rate: Moderate.
Pot/container plant, patio/verandah plant, understory planting, shaded courtyard, garden filler, mass plantings, feature plant, tropical garden, indoor plant.
Evergreen, Large upright leaves, lush tropical look, adds vibrance to shaded areas.
Shade, high humidity, tropical climates.
Colour/Growth form
Large, dark green leaves with a glossy finish. Produces a creamy white-green flower spathe. Alocasia macrorrhizos huge leaves are reminiscent of elephant ears, thus inspiring its common name. An excellent choice for creating a lush, tropical atmosphere both outdoors and indoors.
What is Alocasia macrorrhizos?
Alocasia macrorrhiza, also known as Giant Elephant Ear or Giant Taro, is a striking evergreen that can grow to 1.5-3 meters tall given the right conditions. It features large, upright green leaves and produces creamy white-green flower spathes. Ideal for part shade, this moderate-growing plant is perfect for tropical gardens, shaded courtyards, or as a dramatic feature in mass plantings. Beautiful feature in a tropical garden planted alongside Heliconias, Gingers, Philodendrons and Cordylines.
How to Care for Alocasia macrorrhizos
Ensure Alocasia macrorrhizos is planted in a spot with organically rich, well-draining soil. Regular watering during the growing season keeps the plant healthy, though it's important to allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. A balanced, slow-release fertiliser will encourage vigorous growth.
Ideal Growing Conditions
The Giant Elephant Ear prospers in Australia's subtropical and tropical regions. It appreciates humidity and benefits from a sheltered location protected from harsh winds. While it favours partly shady spots, it can also handle full sunlight.