Heliconia Rauliniana - bihai x marginata
- Mature height: 3.5m-4.5m tall.
- Recommended spacing for screening: 1m-1.2m apart.
- Ideal growing conditions: Full sun/partial shade.
Growth rate: Moderate to fast
Uses: Tight/narrow spaces, large pot/container plant, tropical garden, privacy screen, mass plantings, feature plant, coastal gardens.
Noteworthy: Low maintenance, loves fertiliser - like all Heliconias.
Colour/Growth form: Large hanging red bracts/flowers with yellow edges, tall evergreen heliconia, green banana leaf-like foliage, tight-clumping habit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Heliconia Rauliniana?
Heliconia Rauliniana is a tropical plant which is known for its stunning, vibrant bracts that range in colour from yellow to red. This plant belongs to the Heliconiaceae family and is grown for its ornamental value. Its foliage and flowers make it a common choice for a lush, & exotic appearance.
How to take care of Heliconia Rauliniana?
Heliconia Rauliniana thrives in nutrient-rich soil with consistent moisture. It requires full to partial sunlight and high humidity similar to its natural tropical habitat. Regular fertilisation during the growing season promotes vibrant foliage and healthy blooms.
How tall does the plant grow?
Heliconia Rauliniana typically grows between 1.5 to 3 meters (5 to 10 feet) tall, depending on the growing conditions. It grows in groups, thus ideal for creating privacy screens.
How often does Heliconia Rauliniana flower?
The plant flowers round the year in tropical conditions, but its peak flowering season is typically during the warmer months. Proper care ensures consistent blooms.